by Chris Drake | Feb 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
At this point in the year we are starting to change seasons. It’s that point in Winter where even Winter’s biggest fan (me!) starts to think of Spring and bright, light colors. Trees begin to bloom and I daydream about taking my hubby and our sweet little Mila-Raven...
by Chris Drake | Dec 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
I have found that we all go through times where, regardless of our religion, spirtuality or lack of assignment to any one specific belief – This time of year – particularly the next two weeks (the last two weeks of the year) people take stock. Whether we...
by Chris Drake | Dec 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
December 14th. Never an easy day for me. There is a strong chance that quite a few days through the month of December strike a chord for many people. After all, it is a big month. Holidays, which are joyous also force us to remember the good & sad of the people we...
by Chris Drake | Nov 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around on the calendar, I find myself doing what most do… I think about what I have to be grateful for, and in my case, remind myself that no matter how many illnesses I had or have at that time, I’m still better off than so...
by Chris Drake | Nov 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
I was considered a ‘sick kid’; in and out of hospitals since I was a baby. My ‘sick kid memories’ first started when I was 5 going in and out of hospitals for high fevers… even anaphylactic shock a time or three. This was my normal. It is what I knew. I thought...
by Chris Drake | Oct 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
I often read many tales of Moms that speak about a loss of identity after having a child. Now, perhaps because being a mom is new to me and illness is not, I am used to hearing, reading and talking to people about identity loss after becoming sick. For example,...
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